I’ve beaten this game many times before, and think it’s the best cuhrayzee action game ever made. This playthrough was on the Steam Deck and was my first time playing through both the DLCs + some of the VR missions. It holds up flawlessly 10 years later, and the DLCs are excellent snacks that build upon the wild ass main story. One boss in this game (fans know the one Im talking about) is still the single best boss fight Ive ever played.

Also, 10 years older, I understand the story a lil more. That was nice. I would call MGR a perfect video game in the same way Robocop is a perfect movie, barring some mild to moderate camera issues.

If I had Elon Musk money, I would pay whatever it took to get a sequel made.

Reviewed on May 12, 2022


8 months ago

I played this after my entire series play through of the metal gear series. Didn’t think I’d click with it as I’ve never really played character action games. The first few hours were finding my footing but once the combat clicks with the parry and the special move I forget the name of was so pristine right up there with the Sekiro death blows and mikiri counters

8 months ago
