Wow! I just beat this on Switch, took me 20-25 hours for my first playthrough. A symphony of metroidvania, roguelike, and soulslike gameplay (all the "like" genres) in perfect concert. The blend of persistent and resetting progress is done in such a way where every run is useful -- either for information, resource gathering, or actual progress -- and I kept saying "one more run" until 1 in the morning. It's also really hard in the way Hollow Knight/Souls games can be, where every boss you beat brings feelings of elation. Thankfully, there are also plenty of guardrails whether it's linear RPG progress (you can grind out stats until you're able to rip most bosses apart) or "House Rules" that you can tweak to make the game easier or harder.

Awesome awesome awesome. An easy GOTY contender.

P.S. I only beat the game once and it seems like there's way, way more to do??? Can't wait to dig into it more after I clear some other stuff out.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2022
