A game that has been completely ruined by esports. I hope everyone who was pushing for games to be considered real sports in the 2000s and 2010s gets kept up at night by all the games thoroughly ruined because of that. When it was good, it was REALLY good, but it's completely impenetrable to newcomers these days and every edge has been sanded off to create a very sterile, very balanced game that vaguely resembles the chaotic and inventive fun it used to be.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2023


6 months ago

I somewhat agree with you but still find the game incredibly fun but those initial years specifically 2016-2018 it was the best shooter of the 8th generation and one of the best shooters of all time

6 months ago

Honestly yeah agreed, this game fell off so hard. I used to HEAVILY prefer it over stuff like CS back in 2017 because of how innovative and fun it was, but multiplayer games can't seem to STAY fun due to the developers completely butchering them with useless/shit updates.

@Bobbiitty Those golden years were so good! And it was definitely up there with the greats in terms of shooters.