I remember when this game first released and I played it for the first time I was very mad that they hand waved the end of umbrella and the lingering classic plot lines with a really weird version of Leon. Even when I had issues with that I still recognized RE4 as a superb action game. Funny I things change as time goes on. I look back fonder on it than I initially did but honestly would put it in the back half of RE games ranking for me personally. Regardless no one can deny what an incredible game it is. The action is top notch. The environments are well developed and while the game is not "scary" it does have an underlayer of suspense to it. The game is pretty long but at the same time doesn't feel bloated. The core gameplay mechanics are very well done. Being able to shoot an enemy, watching them react and then go in for the melee kill never gets old. This game is very influential that games are still today look at it for inspiration. It changed the third person action genre forever. The hype was crazy when the game released. The game feels like a side thing in the overall RE world but it's a welcome vacation.

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2021
