Lol are you kidding me with this shit? DMC1 was one of my favorite games at the time and I was really hyped to play this. I didn't see hardly anything about it either. No trailers just a few screen shots in some mags. I didn't have the money to buy this day 1, so I did the next best thing. I camped right outside blockbuster the day it was released and rented it. I took it home and booted it up. In the first area of the game I messed around a bit trying out different things. Immediately I knew something was off. Dante feels really weird. He's really floaty in the air. Swords don't have any weight to them. Why does he keep doing this stupid kick thing in the air. Why does the stinger only go THIS far. This is an essential move. It's okay maybe you just need to level it. Wait why do swords do like hardly any damage and enemies barely react to it? Wait why does guns do so much damage? What's to stop you from spamming them? Where are the sick animations? Why is the UI so bad when DMC1 had such an awesome one? Where is the deep enemy lore? Unfortunately nothing solved any of this and within the first day of playing this I knew this game wasn't going to get any better and was complete shit.

I've put so much time in DMC1 and was ready to just put just as much time into this one. It's just so easy and mindless and guns are always the answer. The enemies are lifeless, the levels are huge and bland, the bosses suck and barely even move. What is going on here? The story is dumb. Dante looks stupid. Dante doesn't even act like Dante. What happened between 1 and 2? Why why why? When I beat the game that weekend I just returned it and went straight back to DMC1 and never looked back at it. It was only a few years ago it came out that the staff of DMC1 had nothing to do with this game and it wasn't even supposed to be a DMC game. When the last director was let go of the project and the new director came aboard to finish this turd which he only had less than half a year to turn into something. The DMC2 team only had designed Dante, one enemy and a couple of animations, namely the stinger move. Which remained in the final game. They had put an entire years worth of production and only had that to show for it. That stinger!? That piece of shit move? I can't fathom how Itsuno must of felt being thrown at this project with no hope in sight. It's a miracle the game functions at all and is even finished.

DMC2 is the most disappointing video game I have ever played.

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2021
