7 reviews liked by Sleepy_Crest



Amazing game. Gameplay is a bit repetitive, but it has enough variety in terms of skills and enemies to make it worth it. The setting and environment are amazing, love the ocean aesthetic and how you're rising to the surface throughout the game. Hakuno is an amazing MC and provides a fantastic master servant dynamic with their servants. Saber is a really great servant, she's very funny and interacts super well with Hakuno while also having some emotional/sad character writing that works really well. Some really amazing lines and character writing. Ending goes so hard. OST is really fun too. Only negative would be some masters/servants aren't the most interesting they can be. But I'd still say they're all good at the bare minimum. Julius, Alice, Gawain are all great. My boy Twice H. Pieceman is also a great villain with some really cool lines. Peak Fate, Peak gaming. Love you Fate/Extra.

Someone please buy Shiki a new shirt

"There are no grades given for goals and wishes. No matter how small they may seem to others, as long as I keep moving forward they will eventually come to fruition.
As it is the desire for that wish to become reality that will keep you going until the end."

This is gonna be the single most biased review in all of history so buckle up.

Type Moon's magnum opus, the first and best game of Kazuya Niino's PSP trilogy.

I love Fate/EXTRA to death, it is the most masterfully crafted and methodically put together piece of media I've ever had the pleasure to experience.

This is the story of Hakuno Kishinami searching for themselves amidst a dire scenario where they have to face mankind at its purest state to fully understand the meaning of being human, the thing that drives us to go out there and want to make a difference, stand by our values and enjoy life even at its harshest moments.

Every foe they face carries a theme and none of them are wasted. It builds this incredibly flawless character study of humanity itself through people who embody the aspects that define us as people.

Shinji's friendship and greed, Dan's pride and code of honor, Alice's vulnerability and need for support, Gatou's religious clinging, Ronnie's downfall to the carnal desire, Julius' search for love, Rani's understanding of humanity and Rin's rebellion against stagnation (Cleverly both defining aspects of Hakuno, who they get to interact with the most), Leo's strive towards perfection and Twice's nihilistic and bitter but ultimately thoughtful view on the process of human evolution.

It wastes no beats and packs so much density in such a perfectly tied narrative.

The recontextualization of the Holy Grail War into a death game that dissects humanity is a sight to behold.

The servant trinity is an absolute highlight. Nero, Nameless and Tamamo are fantastic. They provide an amazing replay value to the game since each one has their own distinct chemistry with Hakuno and they're all so fucking cool man I love them so much.

There's an infinity of nuance and depth to explore after multiple playthroughs and way too many shower thought sessions.

Hakuno Kishinami is my favorite character of all time. Don't see that ever changing either. There's something truly special with Hakuno that gets me in a way no other character ever could and I honestly cannot point out what it is specifically. Is it their beautiful story of self recognition? Is it their awe inspiring unbreakable resolve and strive towards betterment of the body and mind? Is it their bittersweet and often times heart wrenching purity that leads them to still find a worth to this life they were given even amidst this hellish scenario? I honestly can't tell and I could waste 90% of this review just gushing about every single character defining line they hit you with like a hammer when you least expect, however I do want to keep this spoiler free so I don't want to delve into the specifics and revelations about their character. They're just the best man, I love my Hakuno Kishinami so much.

Even without spoilers I will say tho the ending is the most beautiful and heartfelt conclusion possible to this story accompanied by an ending quote that instantly became my favorite bit of writing ever.

I don't think exploring the writing any further is needed since there's just WAY too much to talk about so yeah it's the coolest fucking shit ever written. #ThankYouNiino

Outside of the writing, it's a game that aged like wine visually. The look of Niino's games are always artistically driven to the bone and EXTRA is no different. The dungeons are extremely striking and creative, Tsukihimihara is such a cool place to live in, Wada's art is awesome, the enemies look so wacky and fun...


The gameplay is infamously the divisive factor but I personally am a fan. I respect the hustle Niino has for never going for the traditional no matter what with the combat in his games (I will get to Black Rock Shooter's bizarre third person turn based jrpg combat) and the RPS combat has layers beyond its initial RNG factor. Boss fights in particular are immensely fun with this system, at the cost of a repetitive but decent usage against average mobs.

In summary, it's a game that drips heart through every single one of its pores, has so much to say while at the same time being so simple and sincere at its core. A masterpiece in every sense of the word. A game I will forever hold dear and cherish, truly a lifechanging experience that has been shaking up how I perceive myself and life as a whole immensely during these early stages of adulthood.

Also Hakuno is so fucking hot please have sex with me I am begging you

Built like an Arby's burguer

"For years I've been rushing around, taking whatever I fancied, not giving a tinker's curse for those I hurt. Yet here I am... with riches and reputation, feeling no wiser than when I left home. Yet when I turn around, and look at the course I've run... there's not a man or woman that I love left standing beside me."

Happy new year everyone! Hope 2022 is good and we don’t get any more viruses roaming the streets soon enough.

To start off the year on a positive note, it’s pirate time.

Black Flag is just special, that’s the best way I can describe it. This game should not work as well as it does for multiple reasons but the fact it does is an astounding showcase of the talent Darby Mcdevitt’s team had. This and Revelations stand at the top of this franchise. I think they’re about equal in quality but even after giving both a fair replay with new eyes and a fresh perspective, I still have a softer spot for AC4. I think it’s easily the most unique game in the series and it nails everything it sets out to do.

An Assassin’s Creed game where you play as a pirate rather than an assassin is an incredibly bold move, especially considering where AC3 left off and the huge expectations that this game had to live up to in order to continue the narrative of this franchise. This entire game can be summarized as one big character study of its protagonist, Edward James Kenway.

Edward to me is the best character to ever grace this series that’s already so packed with so many incredible ones. His charisma entrances you and his development puts him up there as one of the greatest characters of all time. It’s just impossible to not like Edward, he’s an absolute gem. His journey from a greedy and irresponsible pirate to a wise and punished assassin, ready to finally start putting his mind before his blade is storytelling gold. Matt Ryan's performance as Edward needs that shoutout because it's so god damn good. When that man screams YOU FEEL THAT SHIT.

Darby’s love for the philosophical aspect of the franchise shines here as brightly as ever. Putting the templar vs assassin conflict amidst the golden age of piracy and its eventual downfall is probably the smartest choice for a setting in the series to this day. A period where the battle between liberty and control is at its all time peak and the way some pirates end up falling in line with the world’s view of the templars while others persist upon their anarchist ways, aligning themselves with the assassins, is simply genius. Characters don’t feel guided by a narrative, they feel and think for themselves, resulting in a tale that spans decades and you FEEL that time passing, people changing and finally deciding to stand up for their own beliefs. It’s Assassin’s CREED at its purest form, I love it.

The writing for this game is just 11/10. Darby nailed not only the setting but also the people that inhabit the Caribbean. Easily this franchise’s strongest supporting cast, even its smaller players end up leaving a mark on you or Edward. Mary, Anne, Adéwale, Hornigold, Roberts and Thatch stand out as my absolute favorites, they’re terrific and the immaculate voice acting makes their already excellent writing impress that much more. The templars continue the trend started in Revelations, being characterized in a way where there’s never a black and white conflict at play. Torres and Rogers have such a commanding presence whenever they’re on screen and their convictions are portrayed masterfully. The final act ties Edward’s journey so beautifully and that ending is just unmatched.

Gameplay wise it’s AC3 with expanded ship mechanics. The ship combat in ac3 honestly sucked due to the system still being undercooked and the restricting linear nature of the naval levels didn’t help. AC4 gives you the Jackdaw, a ship far better suited to combat and much smoother to sail. The naval combat is fantastic and a ton of fun, being just the right amount of challenging. On foot it still has probably the clunkiest feel out of the older AC games due to the Anvil Engine overhaul but once you get used to it it’s still a great time. Vaulting works perfectly, climbing is responsive even with its eventual hiccups, combat although way too easy has a ton of options for style (some of which are hidden and never taught by the game for some reason like the double killstreaks), stealth is solid and gameplay scenarios are diverse. There’s an overabundance of tailing missions in this game which I definitely agree could’ve been reworked but as is, they’re well designed so you can breeze through them pretty nicely.

The open world is fucking beautiful and masterfully designed. Sailing through the Caribbean is so much fun and the abundance of diverse side activities really puts this game’s world far above the previous endeavors of the series. From swimming through the depths of the ocean, to hunting whales, to participating in the great side stories of the Templar Hunts, it’s just fantastic.

The music by Brian Tyler takes heavy inspiration from that one pirate franchise with Dohnny Jepp which is perfectly fine by me, it’s a fantastic soundtrack with a ton of standout tracks like the main theme, “Stealing a Brig”, “The Fortune of Edward Kenway”, “The High Seas”, “Take What Is Ours” and many more. The Sea Shanties completely steal the show tho, they’re so fucking good (LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWLAAAANDSS, LOOOOWLAAAANDS AWAAAAYYYY ME JOOOHNNN).

Modern Day is fine. I think the concept of it is interesting and it’s used very sparingly so it’s cute enough for what it is. It’s a shame the whole Juno story that carries from this game all the way to Syndicate is essentially worthless nowadays since it had its conclusion sidelined to a comic but hey Desmond’s ending also sucked after games of development so not the first time it happens lmao. The most fascinating aspect is definitely the introduction of Abstergo Entertainment which is literally Ubisoft so the message the developers wanted to spread through that is definitely some good food for thought.

Honestly, I can’t write this in any way that doesn’t come off more as gushing rather than a review. I just fucking love this game and literally have no real issues with it, it’s weaker joints are still cute or decent enough to entertain me and its entire soul just resonates with me in a way few other pieces of media are able to. One of the greatest games of all time, the highest of recommendations.