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To me, this is the perfect Otome game. Honest to God, I don’t think I have any complaints here. Each route is vastly different, the artwork is stunning and very unique, the music slaps, the voice acting is truly top tier with all the main LIs being voiced by the best of the best, the story/motive of each route is great, the side characters and side plots are wonderful, the extra content and extra stories are great, the game is the PERFECT length, the guys are hot, and the protagonist is a badass. I mean, what more could you ask for?!?! I have so many thoughts I could share but this would go on forever. I think even people who don’t play Otome games and just enjoy a good story would like this one.
Yanagi’s route definitely ended up being my favorite, but story wise I think Takeru’s is actually the best. I also think he has the strongest motivation for stopping X-Day out of all the LIs, and he also falls into the VERY rare camp of being a tsundere that I actually like. It’ll be hard to find another Otome that tops this one for me.