This review was written before the game released

Everything I didn't like about Overwatch is back and worse than ever. Monetization is worse, balancing is worse, matchmaking is worse, there's less features. Oh, but don't worry! The features we removed are on our roadmap! You can trust what's on our roadmap because we at Blizzard have never lied to this community! I've never played Overwatch 2 and I played the original far after its hay day and did not enjoy it, but gosh does everything about this game make me unhappy. I wish all blizzard higher ups would fall into a well or something. Especially Bobby Cold-stick, or whatever his name is. He doesn't deserve a google search in his name. I feel bad for the developers. Nobody wants to see something they worked hard on end up like this. My heart goes out to Overwatch fans. Very few people deserve to play a game this bad, and sadly, many of them work at Blizzard, and none of those executives play video games.

Reviewed on Jul 15, 2023
