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Great game with PSX style graphics. Pretty scary with some great spooks. Voice acting was a nice addition. Totally recommended.

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Short, but lovely horror game. Very good tension buildup with unexpected cosmic horror twist. A worth playing classic.

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This is a neo-retro horror game with PSX esthetics. Sadly it's mediocre at best. The artificially generated voice is silly, especially when the main character talks to himself about most mundane things. The game doesn't explain well what to do next, so it's easy to get stuck. The game looks great, but it's the really the only thing it offers.

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Very short, but good game for a quick scare. Pretty looking horror with retro style graphics. Good buildup of tension, but could be a little longer. Still worth playing.

Played on: Evercade VS

A pretty regular Hack and Slash Beat'em Up game with a little twist. You are supposed to block enemies with your sword and release the attacks when possible to hit multiple enemies. Plays nice, but has very short levels. Overal playtime ranges from 20 - 25 minutes.

Completed on: Evercade

Very bare bones story with heavy focus on a repetitive combat. Beginning of the game requires a lot of grinding, but it gets much better and easier as the game goes on. The presentation is passabe, nothing offensive. The music is nice to ear, but nothing worth remebering. Very mediocre game.