Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 20, 2023

First played

April 11, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This is, without a doubt, a once in an era type of game.

A visual novel/soft adventure game that's a DS game in the best way.

This is a game that has an incredible, twisting story, with plenty of dashes of 70s/80s flair and flavor, from the funky buddy cop jazz music to of-the-era fashion and character designs. The location, though I haven't been to Sumida City, truly feels like a window into that era, as bigger businesses are growing and family businesses are slowly closing. Factories are popping up more and more and a city is turning more and more modern and even bigger than it used to be.

This game's horror lies heavily with Japanese culture and old legends, which make for a fascinating setup: the Rite of Resurrection is able to be enacted, you just need to use your curse stone, kill people for soul dregs, and you can bring back a person of your choosing. Enter the core cast, who all have their reasons to be involved in the Rite of Resurrection, whether to enact it themselves or stop it. The cast is incredibly varied and fascinating, and every major character feels so full and complete as a person, all with incredibly believable motivations. The cast is colorful and will remain in my mind for a long time.

There are some interesting and tricky puzzles in this game, and while some feel a bit roundabout and tricky to figure out unless you know just WHAT to look for, it's still incredibly enjoyable. The way the various characters' actions lead to various intersections between the cast or certain things playing out is always interesting. I'd love to talk more about the story, but it really is one of those things you need to experience on your own. The places it go are surprising and bewildering and fascinating, and I'm so glad I avoided looking up stuff to experience it all for myself.

The writing is some of the best I've seen in a long time. It can go from heavy to irreverent to witty, with plenty of "oh shit" moments that really make your jaw drop and everything click in your mind after the past few hours from the last one.

The art is beautiful, from incredibly expressive characters to fantastic backgrounds that look beautiful each and every time because of the colors and the lush detail.

In a year where so many big and anticipated games for me are coming out, this is still going to be one of my top games of the year, I have no doubt about it. Everything about this game is immaculate, everyone who worked on this truly hit it out of the park, and I implore everyone that if you'll play a game this year you might not be sure about, or might be different than your usual fare, to let it be Paranormasight. You truly can't go wrong and you really won't regret it.