36 reviews liked by Slobby046

this ruined me. disgusting yet beautiful.

i wish i had words to say but it's just.. :(

poorly made.. feels like you're standing in a mobile game's screen. ugly icons.. the menu is giving free unity asset. no.

i can't believe the fun stuff in a way too detailed horse game is locked behind dlc..

the ballerina segment is one of the coolest things i've seen in a game in a while. it was absolutely amazing, both in graphics & motion capture but also with gameplay. this game is both funny & scary, it was a treat to play!

demo review: very overwhelming version of plateup.

demo review: production is really slow & it seems like a waste of space to make a lot of conveyor belts just to not put things through sawmills/etc

a mobile quality game solved onto pc with dbd sound effects not matching any other volume level thrown together with doom-esque monsters. i haven’t tried co-op but my gameplay was pretty clunky. at least i got it for free!