The animations are a highlight. Each animal strikes a perfect balance between realistic movements and cartoony expressiveness. It's incredibly fun to run into humans, grab their phones, and scurry off to the back alleys.

The game is very concise. If you only go for the main objective, there's not much stopping you from beating the game quickly. That said, the appeal is exploring the city streets and participating in side quests. I was constantly surprised by the number of characters to meet, each with their own stories going on. It's also just plain fun to explore buildings, collect shiny objects, and pose for Photo Mode.

I will say, the platforming takes some getting used to. A lot of the platforming is automatic, but there are times where the cat grabs the wrong ledge, or refuses to climb a surface because you aren't at the proper angle. That said, the ability to pounce (controlling where you jump) helps make the platforming a lot more deliberate, which is incredibly useful.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
