I'm a sucker for movement based games and the traversal in this is just chef's kiss. In the endgame when you've unlocked every movement ability, it just feels amazing to travel from one part of the map to the next. You enter this sort of flow state where you're just gliding through by finding the best path forward.

The main quests (including the dlcs) are ridiculous and bombastic with awesome set-pieces and silly humour ala borderlands series. I particularly enjoyed the mooil dlc. The side quests are pretty disappointing however, I would recommend skipping most of them.

The world design is pretty basic. It's major pitfalls are the same as most open world games nowadays : meaningless sidequests and collectibles in an otherwise empty feeling world. Having played the Ratchet and Clank trilogy I expected more weapon variety. There are around 8-10 unique weapons and the rest are reskins. This is a bit of a missed opportunity imo.

Overall a decent game. If you enjoy fast paced movement games, this is definitely for you.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2022
