i was so disappointed upon returning to this. its just not a good game man. extremely repetitive and the best part is maybe the open world aspect (?) which isnt even the main game. the game is poopoo whenever you enter a vehicle.

sucks bc i loved this game as a kid, but its obvious i had my rose tinted glasses on for this one

top 3 in the series. when i returned to this game i sort of had mixed feelings about the slow pace, but it actually makes sense because it allows you to make decisions without having to 360 noscope 180 the keyboard shortcuts. the thinking man's total war

erm lets get the basic stuff out of the way .. the gunplay is solid. not great, but solid. the graphics aren't bad either, though cel-shading is a bit overrated at times, but it works here.

the characters absolutely blow. genuinely forgettable despite trying their best to be wacky and zany. somehow they manage to make damn near every character generic and annoying as fuck. mcu liberal writing folks.

cool that u can make your own vehicles but the existence of this game is fucking hilarious to me i will not elaborate

good poker game but loses at least half a star bc of that stupid | || || |_ motherfucker

they filled the lobbies with bots lol, boring as shit

cool idea just nobody playing it and kind of clunky

this game honestly plays awful idk why some of my Fellas like it so much

just a fun flavor of the month party game

i made a character named Big Mac that was as big as u could make him and knocked out mike tyson in like 11 seconds

cool game too bad its filled with alt right dogs

honestly really cool game, lots of stupid fun. i would play zweihander and pretend to be a knight it was so funny haha

vanilla is dogwater lets be completely real here. the modding scene is REALLY where this game shines. instead i will review the mods because who tf cares about the base game

- TNO: Last Days of Europe
Easily the best writing of any mod i've seen in any game really. It's easy to get lost in the setting and characters, they really outdid themselves. Very depressing atmosphere. #JusticeForAtlantropa

- Old World Blues
THE non-Fallout game Fallout mod. Seriously, there's such an insane amount of effort put into this. There are even sub-mods that go with it. Arguably better than the Bethesda Fallouts.

- Endsieg
Just a cool, challenging mod. Legitimately some of the hardest (but technically possible) scenarios in the modding scene.