It's difficult to explain just how fluid and natural this game feels. Street Fighter II, and even the Alpha series both feel like you're controlling someone with a very stiff metal rod stuck up their ass in comparison to 3rd Strike. The movement, the animations, the feedback, everything flows together to create an explosion of endorphins whenever you perform even the most simple combo.

This is, in essence, the culmination of all of the advances in 2D fighting games that were made throughout the 90's. It was even made during a time when, steadily, 2D was falling out of favor. Much like how the absolute peak of propeller plane technology stomped out the early jets of World War II, 3rd Strike shows that even though it was beginning to fall out of style, it was still the king. At least for a little while.

the open beta was probably the most fun i've ever had with an online fps.

then they started adding more and more characters and it went to shit early on. like, as soon as they added the first addition (whoever tf it was) it was notably worse. the removal of the multiple of the same hero thing was the last nail in the coffin. the Overwatch 2 shit is just necrophilia

fantastic sprite art, but i think the presentation in the menus is uncharacteristically lackluster for an arcade fighting game. and the announcer sounds really bored ..

the controls feel a tiny bit stiff to me, but not too much. otherwise the gameplay is fun tho im not sure what to do against the erm ninja girl and her overhead teleport move yet ..

just a stupid ass fun game especially for people who like the series. easily the best jojo game to date and it's not even close. being on the legendary CPSIII board and designed by the same team that made 3rd Strike helps

Edit after many more hours: I have seen the light. This is the kusoge to end all kusoge. Block this d.5C 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 5A 6B xx 214S {ABC x N} d.j.C sideswitch 2A x N j.C 2B 236C d.j.C 5A 5A 6B xx 214B hyperhop j.C 5A 6B xx 236S > s.214B > s.214A

i actually think x-men vs street fighter is a better looking game for 1996, but the pixel art here is still fantastic.

as for the gameplay, it feels... Stiff? Enjoyable, but stiff. Maybe it just takes some getting used to, or I'm spoiled by other fighting games from the late 90's that feel much smoother.

boomer ass game, basically no point in playing it since Super Turbo exists. still, ignoring that context i think it's a very solid game for 1992, just not something i really see a point in playing when better versions exist

more polished than its bigger nephew Marvel vs Capcom 2, but not as much stupid fun. still, it's a fantastic looking game for 1996 and still holds up quite well today. one of the smoothest experiences of the time.

you literally master this nothing game in 5 minutes

Great art despite the overkill edgy anime aesthetic, and maybe a bit too high octane for my tastes. Still, it is a pretty fun game that plays great. I don't really know the meta or anything but i like Slayer haha

Wonderful graphics and wonderful gameplay. One of the few soothing fighting games to play/watch. Sometimes I'll just spectate random matches on fightcade just to witness the flow of this game.

This game is so fun every fight is different STOP PICKING SENTINEL and there are so many cool variations of different marvel/capcom characters that it never WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT A TIER LIST FOR THIS BROKEN ASS GAME gets old!

Easily one of the best looking games of 1997. Spritework is superb, arguably rivals the likes of the CPSIII games despite running on weaker hardware. Also just a cool vibe.

The mechanics are fun. I'm not like some sweaty FGC nerd but it does seem very smooth to play, handles similarly to 3rd strike albeit maybe not quiiiiite as smooth as that game.