This is a game i always wanted to play as a kid seeing info for it back in the day, which i never got to actually play until a while ago. (I was a PC-only kid and i never even knew it got a PC port until a few years ago, i beat it there and then recently replayed on XBOX) I just loved everything surrounding it. The designs of the Babylon Rogues which i absolutely adored, (Jet is just completely cool, Storm is like a cursed yet badass mix of Shadow and Big the Cat, and Wave is my first vidya crush), as well as the animated intro and 2D renders with that cool flat artstyle. Despite all it's flaws, this game is really fun and i'm glad to it gets to see some redemption in the public eye. It's funny to think that back in the day plenty of magazines were saying that this game was just a desperate cashgrab copy of SSX, Which to me sounds as idiotic as saying Super Mario Strikers is a poor man's PES 6.

I've heard many complaints about this game being hard to understand how to play, but it's actually really simple. All you have to do is watch the "how to play" attract mode video after letting the game idle for a while on the main menu, and then you'll understand that you're supposed to hold the jump button in ramps juuuust at the right time in order to jump higher and do better tricks with the left stick while mid-air. The hoverboards characters race on run on compressed air as fuel, and thus air management is also a big element of this game. It really adds a lot to the challenge, since moves like boosting, the Tornado and drifting cost air, and successful trick jumps can help you get it back. How much air you can hold on your board depends on the board level which you can upgrade by picking up coins throughout the map, and there's plenty of different boards to unlock or purchase from the Black Market which have different stats and can consume more or less air for moves. There are some items that can get you a slight edge over your rivals and help you level up your board faster, but no amount of items is going to help you if you keep burning through your air bar quickly. NEVER fall off tracks as not only you will be wasting time but you will lose your coins and your board will also be downgraded all the way back to Lvl. 1.
Even something as simple as starting the race becomes part of the skill curve, as you have manually cross the starting line just as the timer starts, and a few miliseconds of difference can either get you zapped at the starting line or get a head start over other racers.

The only thing i really, really don't like about this game is... the missions. The ones you get after beating the game where you do objectives like breaking robots, getting trick points, etc. stuff that you've already done throughout the entire game. Most of these missions are honestly just lame, repetitive and it feels like you'll never be done with them.
Originally i had a whole section bitching about how some of these required autistically hyperspecific frame-perfect jumps, in order to reach, but it's in fact not necessary, it turns out you simply needed to tilt the stick left stick in a certain vertical direction (seemingly forward for farther jumps, and backwards for higher ones) depending on the jump in order to make them more reliably, which is yet another thing the game never bothers to explain or give any indication that you're doing it wrong or right.
Unlocking stuff is also kinda grindy... The missions are barely rewarding until you've aced them all, instead of giving you reward boards right away for getting gold rank on missions you have to unlock them by getting "E-Gear Pieces" scattered on missions just so you have to replay them until you get enough to repair one, and on normal races you are also stuck with a lowly 100 Ring limit, which means you'll have to play a fuckton of races in order to buy some of the boards or get many Gold Medals in Grand Prix mode in order to get some of these boards.
The only reason i don't deem these missions horrible enough to take even half a star from my log is because they are pretty much just side content for the ultra dedicated, you don't really need to beat them for any noteworthy content outside of a few hidden characters such as Ulala from Space Channel 5 or Super Sonic once you clear all the missions.
I suppose there's a lot of things they could have explained somewhere in the game itself as well so people wouldn't skip over as easily. Sonic Riders is definitely not as 'pick up and play' as Mario Kart and can be quite rough to play with a friend or family member who isn't good at videogames, but honestly, i think all of these mechanics and not-so-accessible gameplay are what holds the game back from becoming yet another forgettable mascot racing game, and what makes the game so fun and engaging to play even on your own, let alone against another player who knows what they're doing.

Splash Canyon is also burned into my mind as hard as Luigi's Raceway or de_dust2.

I was drawn in by the cute characters and the nice graphics, but all the potential for enjoyment fell apart after a few levels. Movement is slow, awkward and floaty, platforming that would feel basic in any other game feels ridiculously pinpoint, and not being able to attack enemies is a huge deal in latter levels. I don't mind games without combat, but if you're going to place enemies that push you off platforms to your death then at least give me some way to defend myself. This game was trash and a total pain to play.

I guess this leaves Croc as the only good 3D platformer on the Sega Saturn.

This was like making a heroin addiction awareness platformer where the spikes are used syringes

An alright sandbox vehicle building game that was kinda ahead of it's time, doomed to fail by the developers' overconfidence that the gameplay was just so good that people would forgive the tacked-on use of the Banjo-Kazooie IP, as well as just trying to sell a game like this to the Xbox audience that's allergic to all colourful whimsical kiddy things, we all know how that went for Blinx, right?

The biggest praise i can give for this game is that it's better than most of JonTron's content since Flex Tape, which is basically just glorified reaction videos. Nuts-&-Boltsbros won in the end

Japan-exclusive PlayStation version of Snowboard Kids. Adds a few extra stages, characters, more customization and story mode cutscenes, but also comes with it's tradeoffs such as choppier framerate or being restricted to two players max. I personally like it a lot but i can imagine why someone would stick to the Nintendo 64 version instead.

Very simple, but actually pretty fine game. Basically a batman-themed classic Mega Man for the Gameboy.

This and the sourcenext ports of RE4 and DMC3 are products of their time from back when the mainstream videogame industry thought that PCs were weak machines designed for work and undeserving or incapable of handling anything with faster and more engaging gameplay than Microsoft Excel. Yes i played these back in the day as a kid and i'm still mad

It's really sad that there were never any other Dream Factory games nor any other 2D Marios with similar gameplay.

It might not be super deep big time stuff like SSX but this game is legit just a good time. I just love the characters, the arcadey gameplay and style, the music, and the tracks, specially mfin' Cybertrick Monster

It would be pretty fine for a girly business sim with cute sanrio style characters, if not for the fact that you only get to cook twice a day. Even at an emulator running at turbo speed, having to grind throughout like 3 ingame days in order to upgrade recipes every time is really repetitive and monotonous.

Better than the first one but at the same time even more of a Smash ripoff. Also it's really lazy how instead of having Renamon, Chakmon, or other cool side digis as unlockable characters, they just made a bunch of Shadow The Hedgehog recolors of the default mons. But at least you do get to unlock the final bosses. Played the JP version because i can't stand the american broken kazoo voices.

I like that they embraced the kusogeness of the original games

This game and D are legitimately the only reasons why i even bother to start up the 3DO emulator sometimes. I wish the system had focused more on solid 2D games like this and the SamSho/SSF2T ports instead of the awfully aged FMV moviegame fad or primitive 3D comparable to that of the Sega 32X.

If i was rating this in terms of Flash game expectations i would easily give it a 5/5 and i can call it one of the best flash games ever.