This was a strong candidate to 4.5 stars until i played the paramedic missions and it opened my eyes to some of the worst vehicle physics of any videogame i ever played. Even on the XBOX version with analog triggers it's impossible.
Honestly the more i play the side missions to this game, the more i start to sour toward it and see why people say it aged badly.
Still my favorite GTA in terms of map design, aesthetics and setting though.

A decent but laughably short lived pokemon go clone i played when i was like 15 or so downloading it from QooApp. You could obtain mons by taking pictures of all sorts of objects from real life, and there were even a few events with sanrio characters and japanese town mascots. I remember i had some team build that made a few japanese kids ragequit lol

Great game but fuck off and die whoever said the PS2 version was best, awful controls (steering, shooting constantly flipping between L1, R1 and O), pitch black lighting (specially on a CRT) and far more noticeably glitchy than the other versions. I had far more fun playing this vanilla on PC.

so this is the power of Sega of America

The definitive 5/10 game. Nowhere as bad as critics made it to be back in the day, but still not really a good game.

I told myself "oh man if this is just Jumping Flash 1 but better, it's a sure 4.5 star for me!"
Well... it's weird. More than anything, i consider this game to be just Jumping Flash+.

The levels are clearly different, larger and more challenging than the original but the overall structure of the game seems the same. Six worlds, Bonuses on the first levels per world, enclosed levels, conveyor belts and fans, you know, all the gimmicks from the 1st. The stage themes are really interesting too, moving from generic mario level theme stuff like Desert World, Water World, Space World... To a feudal japan themed world, another one set in a factory, another in a theme park, and such. All of which are trapped akin to ships in a bottle by some Kabuki Ballerina guy. Also, you are now rescuing the enemy of the first game and his helper floating pod things called Muu Muus, which is pretty wholesome.
Other than that there are also a few new powerups, bosses that are somewhat harder (although honestly none as good as Shadow Robbit from the 1st game) and a slew of extra levels and the super mode after beating the game, as well as collecting Medals which are basically the game's Achievements for doing certain stuff, although i felt some of these were a bit too easy to get.

Sooo yeah, it's Jumping Flash! 2 for sure. There are no flaws or negative changes worth taking stars away for but also no big improvements or new mechanics worth giving them either. The only thing that really made me consider giving it a slightly lower score was lacking the novelty factor of the 1994 original, but eh, i think this score is more fair. Now i wanna tackle 'Robbit Mon Dieu!'

Very short, kinda shallow at least coming from having played Uplink, and repetitive, but it does have it's moments. My favorites being when you mess and battle back and forth with another hacker, the honeypot PC that instantly breaks your security, and when you and get invited to a hacking imageboard. I gotta try the DLC.

Got really dark when the horse character said that they should lower the age of consent

One of the most fun timesinks i've ever played. The perfect Mad Max + zombies simulator where you can build a mobile base and travel the world with your AI mates. I just find it kind of a shame that the developers focus too much on updating the game to be super realistic with things like the calories system, rather than, you know, fun, like in the older versions. And also that Project Zomboid stole it's limelight.

Flesh Robocop Simulator. One of my favorite first-person shooters of it's generation, and probably the very best singleplayer FPS on the PS2 side. While i see it compared to BLACK a lot on that spot, i think Urban Chaos is the far better game with it's more arcadey gameplay, yet fulfilling length, amount of content, and engaging combat.
The presentation is top notch and adds a lot to the game's well-deserved 8.5 status, with the few story there is being told through well-made spoof TV news segments, the death screens with Burners mocking you before finishing you off and fellow policemen mourning your death, and just the whole overall immersive feeling of the game, specially when the action takes place inside a burning building.
The weapons are super satisfying too. Among an arsenal of unique guns such as a one-hit kill Magnum revolver or a stun gun that can set enemies on fire Syphon Filter-style, You're blessed with the best shield in gaming that's fully immune to bullets, fire, melee and explosions, all with no strings attached! Sometimes even using it to get through leaking fire from gas valves or flames from backdraft doors, or to shield NPCs from ambushes. There's also the Hostage Situations, which while a bit repetitive and predictable, always end levels on a great note.

The closest thing to a flaw that i could personally find here is probably the enemy AI. Even in terror mode, most regular burners feel like ez headshot pushovers that just kinda stand around blankly shooting or throwing stuff at you up until halfway through the missions, and only in the final few do they wisen up and start evading your aim like Elites in Halo on Heroic difficulty. Also, most grenade launcher enemies are basically unavoidable HP tolls unless you slowly inch through corners and snipe them, if the level design lets you do it that is.

And yeah, the whole "'murica fuck yeah, mow those terrorists down" and the overt Tolerance-Zero glorified police brutality were considered to be of very bad taste even when this game came out, But you have to at least commend the game for being so upfront and straight faced about it without a pinch of subversion or irony. I'd rather have these heartless puppy-kicking G.I. Joe villain terrorists blowing up things for no reason than the game trying and failing to be deep with a Deus Ex style conspiracy thing going on that you could see from a mile away. That said, there is one small plot twist that has to do with the origin of the Burners, and you kinda have to pay attention to the level surroundings to see it coming. The last two levels are also pure kino.

Solid 8.5
(Addendum: I recommend playing this game on Elite Mode at first since you get double the medals, and unlock useful equipment early on, i honestly didn't feel the difficulty changed too much between Veteran and Elite mode.)

The most replayable racing game ever made. And from such a simple concept too, "what if we took burnout 2, and made it so you got rewarded for crashing other racers with boost?"
The only real downer about it is the lack of a replay feature. Which is weird since this is honestly the only racing game where i could see myself using that feature, with how chaotic and random races can get in this game

The concept of a dragon raising/city sim hybrid was super cool, i wish it had been realized at the time outside of a social network game. Goddamnit Maxis why didn't you make SimDragons

Maybe the most decent Jaguar game i've played yet, i'm simply disappointed at how laggy it is.
Also, all those literally who Atari IP characters but no Yar from Yar's Revenge?💀