yeah no these games kinda blow. Like most people I didn't actually finish this. You can cite the long, tedious hours spent replaying the same five or some levels as the point when the point was already evident the moment you entered a fake virtual space to kill droves of fake humanoids for your fake John Wick/Neo bullet-time roleplay sim. The first SuperHot, however witless, is commendable for not engaging you on any kind of moralistic standpoint. It understands not to blame decadence on video games. Let alone video game violence. That the reason people go to them isn't out of derogatives like degeneracy or incelibacy but—like all technology—spectacle. That only when granting us what we desire, divorced from meaning, do they become harmful. The logical sequel to such a game could only be one thing: redundant. Mind Control Delete's subversion? Be even more redundant and somehow less clever! God, is it to anybody's suprise even fans of the gameplay can't enjoy it without the added contextualization of their own background music? Watch Videodrome or read McLuhan instead, spare yourself the bore.

Reviewed on Jul 13, 2023
