It's always interesting to go back into From's catalogue and just see they have always been iterating and never stopped. Evergrace is kind of like them transitioning their first person action titles into third person, with somewhat success(?). The game feels underdeveloped I guess?, or maybe it was design just the amount they wanted. Definitely feels like they just popped out a PS2 game and thats it.

However, it has cool ideas that don';t really get super extrapolated on. Weapons/Armour can have spells attached to them, and they all cost durability (much like DS1 weapons with special attacks). There is a pair of shoes that can hover slightly, but its literally only useful in one spot of the game.

I also really like the stamina system in this game. It is a power bar like Minecraft or From's older titles. Wait for it to be full to do 100% damage with your weapon. It is tied to your health however, so the lower your health is, the quicker it actually takes to recharge your bar. This doesnt affect weapon damage, just makes your swing rate higher basically. Trade off having low healthy, for fast recharging stamina dps.

The main problem this game has is the camera though. Fromsoft had not yet learned what to do with the right thumbstick and made it so that flicking it any direction swaps your weapons. I admit it is better than pressing Circle then Triangle really fast, but man, this game really needs Lock On or better camera control. The secret boss of The Shadow Tower (Oh yes, its also in the game) is in this fucking arena with zero depth perception (Hello 4 king) with this fucker who flies and if your camera gets fucked up, oh well! Most of the time the camera is fine but sometimes it is really really ass.

The story is whatever, not much to it I think. The music of course is wonderful and beautiful and other wordly and godlike. So over this game is kind of not a fully developed game I feel, but its still pretty cool for what it is.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2024
