This game was a surprise hit for me, I didn't really have much expectations for it; I thought it was just gonna be random garbage that I got for free. It's just one of those 2000's hidden gems. Has a nice kinda campy horror movie vibe since its tryna go for nosferatu. It can be a bit buggy, but not like game breaking, so its charming. It is also one of the punching games I have played; you can play this whole game by punching on easy.

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2020


i’ve had nos sitting in my library for years at this point, kinda just to have it…. & expected that upon playing there would be bugs anywhere & everywhere worthy of calling in an exterminator (i must have heard that it’s extra buggy from someone else & just let my brain out of control) but now maybe i’ll actually get around to trying it. punching seems very fun
thank you!!! (to you for the review & mosch of course for liking it)

1 year ago

I won't lie I thought this vampyr man was from spongebob

1 year ago

The game worked surprisingly well for how old it is. I also just had it in my library somehow and thought it was just one of those shit steam games.

Here are two videos showcasing the punching;. combat. triple fist

1 year ago

Yeah Nosferatu is old German expressionist film