Half-Life 2 Mods

I like Half-Life 2 a lot.

Gonna try and make my way down this list: https://www.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/comments/60pmr9/a_comprehensive_list_of_all_singleplayer/

4.5/5 Impeccable. Essential if you're a VALVE fan.
4/5 VALVE Tier. Perfectly paced and varied with a excellent conclusion with one of the best Citadel levels I've played.
3.5/5 High quality stuff, started with a very convinving G-Man performance before back to back solid levels. Unfortunately ran into a soft lock bug towards the end, which itself was a little anticlimatic, but otherwise very fun.
3.5/5 Top tier stuff. Really well done combat and pacing, although the last third drags slightly falling back on the same couple of enemies.
3.5/5 E:Z2 is gonna be sick if it just builds more on top of this.
3.5/5 Really bizarre but also cool with a interesting "Hell on Earth" vibe to it.
3/5 Solid. The first HL2 Mod I played so it has that, but in retrospect of other mods is just a little basic especially in combat encounters although still paced really well.
3/5 Some of the most intense and fast paced combat sequences I've played in a H-L game right next to some of the cheapest. The highs are still pretty high although the pacing makes it a little exhausting towards the end.
3/5 Liked it although ending was sorta weak with a pathetic Advisor encounter.
3/5 While I adore the HL2 we got, I'm endlessly fascinated with the Beta and what could've been. Promising development even if as it stands Chapter #1 is a much slower burn then the original and hasn't really kicked in yet.
3/5 Incredible atmosphere and audio design even if somewhat mundane levels and uninteresting combat encounters. Although it is uncanny to hear such a sexy voice coming out of Kleiner's Model.
2.5/5 Lot of people gassing this one up but I didn't get why. Mostly uninteresting basic antlion combat encounters that drag without anything interesting inbetween.
2.5/5 Similar feelings to "Calamity" where older HL2 mods just didn't care how many enemies it threw. Let down by the awful final Strider encounter which can one shot through walls making it needlessly frustrating.
2.5/5 Well made and fun ending but the puzzles felt too restrictive with only 1 real answer and obvious invisible walls everywhere taking away from the satisfaction in a almost entirely puzzle focused mod.
2/5 Barely has any resemblence to the original mod and all the changes are for the worse to the pacing.
2/5 More F.E.A.R. then H-L at this point. Atmosphere is still the highlight, although even that's weaker then Act I with a just bizarre 2nd half.


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