3 reviews liked by SnowJay

Broken, unfinished, and boring as hell. You have to purchase a shit ton of expansion packs (which are obvious cash grabs) and download a bunch of mods to have a somewhat decent gameplay. I pirated all of the expansion packs yet I still feel like I've been scammed.

this game is at sage every year and for some reason every fucking year i torture myself with it

"Sly, before you can progress in this game about sneaking around, platforming, and avoiding lasers and guards, you NEEED to light these 30 candles with your flamethrower, Sly! You neeed to in order to get the key! And, your flamethrower is fueled by piranahas, Sly! Light the 30 candles with your piranha-fueled flamethrower to progress, SLYYY!"

Easily, my favorite of the PS2 3d Platformers by far. Just wished it let me play the fun parts for 100% of the game.
