I'll write a more detailed review once I beat it, but I'd like to say:

If I didn't know about this PS1 game, and somebody described it to me, I would call bullshit. It looks like a creepypasta.


I don't know. I had to watch a walkthrough maybe twice before beating it because you can easily get stuck, this also probably happened because I couldn't play it straight and had to shelve it for a week or so between sessions.

I don't understand why it happened to feel REALLY SCARY to me. Cammon, it's just a massive (well, not that massive) amount of polygons chasing you and the AI is not that intelligent.

I didn't understand some stuff about the mechanics and I teamed with Naomi the whole game and I didn't know that that helped me with showing the monster ("the hybrid") on the map when it was close. Even with that, I was some times scared shitless. I play lots of survival horrors and this simple (but strange) game scared me a lot.

Very original but it ain't that fun to play, didn't like the puzzle mechanics very much, mixture of use this with that like in a graphical adventure.

But man, it's fascinating how weird this game is and gets. I'm proud of having it finished!

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2021
