I'm a little bit tired of the gimmick of "ooh, we know we're a video game isn't that creeeeepyyyy" but as an earlier example of the subgenre, this game does decently well. There are plenty of fun or interesting puzzles to work with especially the late game battle against Asmodeus, but the actual pony island game part of the game is pretty much complete filler that the game seems convinced we are mainly there for especially considering the big finale is an extended portion of it. It doubles the length of a game that could easily be an hour and uncomplicatedly good. There is also the consistent issue of Daniel Mullins games using so many words and so many layers of secret arg stuff to simply say "it is a game that is scary and would like to take your soul". Ultimately though, if you catch it on sale and would like another hit of inscryption, it works a bit in the same way that the worst part of a watermelon tastes like the best part of a cucumber but both are satisfying to consume.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
