I feel like I was robbed of this game as a child. Little [insert my name here] would have been rotating this game with like Ocarina of Time and Diddy Kong Racing on a Saturday morning if it was released in the U.S.

I blew through this game because this is a dumb game for dumb babies with little baby brains. Once you get the Vertical Gun it's essentially over for all the anime archetype hoes you have to fight.

What the N64 was capable of doing blows my mind. I think it's because most other N64 games were not focused on this kind of action. It's a shame the developers only did Custom Robo and never had a chance to develop on the idea further past the DS. Now having played and beat this, Custom Robo really never developed gameplay-wise beyond this point. They just put slightly different conceptual versions of this game out on the Gamecube and DS. The N64 version was kind of framed like a Pokemon kind of deal. The Gamecube version goes for a kind of adult Mega Man Battle Network. The DS version folds into an in-between. Everyone of them you just spam buttons until you get an unintentionally broken weapon that you mega-spam until you see credits. Kind of a shame really.

Despite it being piss easy, I had fun. The color usage for the textures and backgrounds is good. There is one character who I really think paved the way for kids of the future. A charming shit-talking hype beast who uses a female Robo despite being a dude. I might be out of the loop, but there really isn't a lot of games out there for kids where all the kids in it are shitty and annoying to each other, just like in reality. Custom Robo is for the children!

There was a GamePro magazine in early 2000's that had an April Fools Day section every April and the jokes used to bang. There was a Custom Hobo spot in the section that absolutely killed me and the other 12 year olds who could read. This information has nothing to do with anything, but if I die and this account is all that's left of my memory, let it be that I laughed at people being customized with beer bottles and shit filled sweatpants to fight each other in bloodsport -- before my mortal shell was eviscerated by Chinese laser drones in WW3 to uphold Nvidia's stock price.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2024


9 days ago

Jesus christ, it's been a longass time since I was reminded of those LamePro columns. I vaguely remember one about Star Wars Pod Racer and turning it into jokes about every problem people had with Phantom Menace. rip to Boba Fatt the real one.
@Vee Lamepro was legit. Though I'm combing through them and cannot find the Custom Hobo segment. Maybe it was EGM? My brain is dissolving into acid. I owe it to myself to download all these mags from internet archive and brush up.