Dates and playtime are VERY rough estimates. First playthrough was on Gamepass, so can't exactly go back and check.

I look back on me from 2020 sometimes, and one of the things that always sticks out to me was that there was a time where I didn't care much for Hades. Oh how would he feel if he saw 2023 me struggling like hell to find a physical copy of it in the local stores. I did two runs. That's all it took for me to get hooked. Two runs and an obsession began that can still overtake me at any time if I just turn the game on. I thought the all the 'just one more run' people were insane, then I became one of those people.

...also the reason I started playing may or may not have been Thanatos. 16 year old me had a type, what can I say?

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2024
