The greatest game of all time, and the game that got me hooked on videogames from an early age. Music is fantastic, map design is fantastic, every gun feels fantastic, and each game mode is fun to play. This game is old but it doesn't feel outdated: a lot of the core mechanics in the game have carried on to later first person shooters. Despite its dwindling online and Epic Games taking this off most online retailers like Steam or GoG, this is still worth picking up and playing if you've never done so.

Fun single player campaign, story is completely pointless but the missions themselves are pretty fun and challenging

The graphics haven't aged well, I'd argue it looks worse than the previous games in the series. Everything is some kind of brown and some maps are kinda unplayable because of it, the worst map being Coret. Weapons look cool as hell tho, just wish it didnt go for the gritty look that every FPS game did around the time this came out.

I dont know if the online is still played but this game was forgotten pretty fast, you're better off getting UT '99 or UT 2004 than this.


They haven't learned from their outdated game design. This game is barren. There is no point in exploring, every planet outside of ones already colonized ARE THE EXACT SAME. All the cool stuff is locked behind perks that take forever to grind through. I really wanted to make a huge ship but I can't because all the perks that make that possible require me to do a bunch of shit I don't care about. Wanna sneak around? Gotta invest a perk JUST TO UNLOCK SNEAKING.

Fuck this game I'm glad I didn't have to pay for it.