Log Status






Time Played

10h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 4, 2024

First played

April 28, 2024

Platforms Played


To start off, if you've played any of the Momodora game's, this is easily the most polished one. Best art style, best music, best gameplay, it has it all. Playing Reverie Under the Moonlight (RUtM) and then hopping into this one was like a breathe of fresh air in how it controls.

For the price that it's at, for how enjoyable it is to control, for how wonderful the sound design and combat feels (until you get obscenely broken at end game, but that's more of a reward for if you do everything so I can't knock it for that) this is a fun romp of a game.

Some have mentioned being a little disappointed that it wasn't as hard as RUtM, but both the hidden and boss rush is a nice post game challenge and not every game has to be super hard. You don't even have to play any of the previous ones if you'd truly like, since RUtM is explained in the game through optional text and you can enjoy this without worrying too much about it since it's barely relevant to the overall plot.

If you like playing good games, then play this one. I'm going to work on 100%-ing all the Steam achievements eventually, that's how much I enjoyed this game