>they didn't even pay to remove the Unity watermark from the splash screen

The fact I'm yet to see someone give positive commentary on this game without relying on making mention of the ending minigame, the soundtrack or how much they want to fuck the three main androids is quite telling. As it turns out, I'm convinced Automata was only as successful as it was for the most banal reasons one can think of.

Anyone who treats Mother 3 as some sort of masterpiece is not to be trusted, but my incandescent hate for Poopy Joe is bigger than any form of cringe the Earthbound fanbase is capable of, so it gets a solid mark in my book.

60% of this game is AM being one of the best evil-doers to ever exist in anything, the other 40% consists of bashing my head againts the keyboard for an entire evening because of antiquated puzzle design and poor asset management. It can be absolutely fantastic when seen in conjunction with the original tale as an expansion on the characters, but I would never recommend it to anyone who doesn't fancy graphic adventures already.

In other words, I really wish this game was more of a survival horror and twice the length it actually is.

Cyberdreams about to blow half their budget on the rights for H.R. Giger artwork and then attempt to turn them into backgrounds by lazily sketching catwalks over them.

Es esa... no es posible es la Luna... AAAAAH nooo no tengo suficiente SEN, nooo gato risón ayúdame inservible negro de mierda, eres como todos los demás, me voy para a Alicia aaabqugqboqbb≉ᜧݍࠠཇᡏᕉݎᑇࠠቔᑏ⠠сੌᕉ⑃ࡅᄡЊ∊แᱬⱩ⡣ѥሠ╁੬ѩ⹣Ⅵᨠᡁᕬ൩ᝣᱥଠ≁ᵬɩὣ⩥ఠᑁ╬ᙩལᥥ⬠⑁Ⅼᥩ♣๥Ḡుլ⥩⹣ѥ⨠⡁ぬ⩩ၣ୥ؠ⅁⡬⥩ᡣၥؠᙁ६๩╣ᵥഠсṬ౩ὣ⩥⼠❁ぬどၣݥଠŁⅬࡩࡣ౥ᨠᵁⱬ౩ᡣ⍥✠⑁╬ࡩൣ⽥ᠠୁ⡬ᵩ╣ᱥᄠᕁ⭬ࡩţᱥ⤠ཁᕬᥩൣづጠ⑁ᅬᱩᅣၥⴠ́Ṭ३๣੥⨠ു୬੩ᅣᑥ✠ᝁ⽬⑩գᅥᬠ⅁⍬⵩ၣ⁥ఠቁ౬⽩Ᵽ੥ଠࡁլ⍩⡣ᅥࠠсぬ⵩ݣཥ☠≁≬ͩݣᥥ⼠ୁ᭬ᵩౣ๥ᘠՁͬᡩࡣཥȠᩁ๬ᱩᡣࡥဠ⽁❬୩ୣᕥᔠᡁ٬Ⅹ♣♥ܠɁᡬ⥩Ⅳብଠⱁ⑬⥩ⵣཥఠ╁Ŭ፩ࡣ❥ሠ၁੬ᑩᡣ⑥ठᡁ⥬ᕩ

Un pan y una leche
Un pan y una leche
Un pan y una leche
Un pan y una leche
Un pan y una leche
Un pan y una leche
Un pan y una leche
Un pan y una leche
Un pan y una leche
Un pan y una leche
Un pan y una leche
Un pan y una leche

Imagine the 2kki devs NOT sperging out whenever I play their free game in an online server instead of having rough unprotected threesome anal sex with japanese Locale and RPGMaker RTP in order to enjoy their stupid walking simulator.

Anyway, yeah, what's left to be said: It's thematically inconsistent and lacks cohesion, the equivalent to a cadavre exquis in videogame format. I still absolutely love it and it is arguably the most technically impressive RPG Maker game ever made.

I honestly and sincerely only gave this thing a chance because Nyarly's VA here sounded hot.

Puyo Puyo has been on a constant downfall in regards to everything except gameplay (which is too basic to properly fuck up) since the very moment it was adquired by SEGA, and it is in dire need of a Mania-like twist to save it from further devolving into a forgetable disgrace.