When the best Mario Kart roster is only in the mobile game

A pretty solid mobile version of Mario Kart with some scummy micro transactions and annoying Gatcha elements
Aside from typical mobile game greed Tour is a fun game and has a huge variety when it comes to Karts, Characters, Tracks, ect., just wish we could get this level of depth in a console game
Gameplay dose get a bit repetitive but hey I can play as King Boo from Luigi’s Mansion so I can’t complain that much

Need more games where you eat hearts

Used to play this one allot when I was younger and coming back to it I’m glad to say it still holds up, seriously one of if not my favorite beat em up.
I love the style and aesthetic since I listen to allot of punk and metal music and seeing references to stuff like Birdemic and Symphony of the Night is awesome and oozes early 2010 charm.
Beating people with limbs and burning them to death in horrible gorey ways makes this like one of the coolest games ever, plus it has a ton of replayability with different difficulties, characters, and endings.
The game definitely works better as a multiplayer experience and the lack of invincibility frames will probably lead to you dying allot but other than that it’s a 10/10.

Quake 3 type beat

Probably my favorite Outlast game (if you count a dlc as a separate game) since it’s super gnarly and gross, it’s right up my alley.
Gameplay is honestly pretty nerve racking, I feel the original Outlast is more of a waiting game while this one is a run for your life game.
Characters are fun and really messed up and it has a great story.

Best Godzilla girl

Pretty bland top down beat em up with some really neat sprites, sucks Kiryu is only in the Japanese version though, also the box art being the one for Godzilla destroy all Monsters Melee is odd.

I can’t believe they just threw Hatty into the ocean : (

Probably one of the best co-op platformers, really tight controls (aside from jumping off handlebars) and fun mechanics also tons of replayability with hard mode, encore levels, and Furbottom Features.
The game’s art and music is super good too, the hub world has a ton of funny details and world building if you stop and take it in.
But one of the best parts of the game is William Stamper’s performance as the Narrator and Cat Guards, extremely funny line delivery and comical timing.
If you haven’t played this game and you like platformers this is a must but the game is best played with a player 2.

Wow they really dropped the bal- I mean block on this one

Probably the worst modern console port of Minecraft, extremely long load times, horrible input lag, just general lag, super laggy online multiplayer, it’s basically unplayable.
I can’t count how many times I was placing blocks underneath me and all of a sudden they’d disappear and I’d die of fall damage out of nowhere, keep inventory is the only way to actually enjoy this.
Not to mention the combat just not working, you’ll hit a target with a sword or whatever a few times but it will only register once and next thing you know they teleport right next to you and kill you.
Avoid this port at all costs, the Mario mashup pack isn’t worth the headache

What exactly is evolving in the formula here?

Pretty basic version of Tetris with fun multiplayer and admittedly neat modes, splash is the better 360 Tetris game but this one is still addicting and enjoyable. (plus it’s physical)

Ah yes, the last good Mario Party

Incredibly fun game to play with friends, the mini games are solid, the boards range from fun to brutal, and the character selection is nice.
Music is kinda bland and some of the boards are annoying but that’s really it, I think this is peak Mario Party and really the last good one until the remakes of 1-3 with Super Mario Party but even then this one is better.
Plus the unlockables are a super fun bonus to the game so you have a goal beyond having fun with your friends.
Really my biggest criticism is the mic mini game spots still being on the board even if you don’t have a mic, it slows down gameplay allot but the mini games themselves are pretty fun if you do have a mic.