Very weird that so much of the branding and discussion about this is focussed on the idea that it's a pikmin knockoff, when it's barely even pikmin-like at all. This isn't an RTS, it's a platformer. Honestly the tinykin themselves are probably the worst bit. There's not a drop of Dandori in this. But that platforming, god damn, now that is some top notch shit.

Feels amazing to control, probably the nicest feeling platformer I've ever played outside of a 3D Mario or A Hat in Time. The level design is brilliant, running with the "exploring a house, but you're a little geezer" gimmick and having so much fun with it. And those time trials, coar, they're evil but they're so satisfying. Zipping around these levels is a joy. 10 more of these please.

Reviewed on Aug 13, 2023
