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December 21, 2022

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Pinball Heroes is a nice little PSP treat from Sony San Diego, but nothing too special. Its table variety adds some little gimmicks and cool touches to each play, although it's definitely not the best-feeling pinball simulation. There's a lot of "magnetism" on each table, making certain ramps difficult to reach, but it's still an enjoyable time whether or not you're familiar with the various IPs. Cool achievements/trophies to unlock for each table, as well. A product of its time, for sure.

Here's my personal ranking and thoughts of each table, from best to worst (including my high scores):
1) "Hot Shots Golf", based on the series from Clap Hanz, is the most fun I've had with a table. It utilizes the source game's mechanics of strokes and wind directions to create a cool implementation of golf within the rules of pinball. You're required to hit yardage bumpers in the center of the table, eventually leading to a small section to putt your ball into a hole. It's pretty brilliant. (309,640)
2) "High Velocity Bowling", based on the 2007 PS3 game, also cleverly blends pinball rules into a game of bowling, as you're required to hit a large pin sweeper to start a turn of bowling, allowing you two tries to sweep lit-up pins on the table. Smart, fun, and addicting. (582,799)
3) "Fat Princess", based on the series from Titan Studios, attempts to take on the strategic gameplay of its source, by laying out the table as its own map. The player gets resources, recruits soldiers, and upgrades their team simply by hitting bumpers and openings, with each game playing out like a traditional match of Fat Princess. It works, although the table is a bit too small to allow for any real strategy. (95,182)
4) "WipEout", based on the series from Psygnosis (aka Sony Liverpool), is fast! You rack up points pretty quickly, with the table playing out like races; the player moves through looping ramps to boost their speeds against the other players. The layout is a bit generic, but its fast pace makes it pretty fun to play. (207,725)
5) "Modnation", based on the 2010 game from United Front and Sony San Diego, is another table based on a racing game, although this time with more of a focus on upgrading your kart and player. Tons of ramps this time around, some that are pretty tough to make it through. The one little thing I love from this table, however, is that you score bonus points when launching your ball when the racing lights hit green. (155,870)
6) "Motorstorm", based on the Sony-published racing series, is pretty generic, but I appreciate its main design. Similar to the other two tables that involve racing, this one requires you to make it through several laps. Where this differs is in its ramps, designed as long branches that the player must manipulate in order to take the correct path and make it through the race. Cool idea, but the table isn't exciting enough to keep you truly engaged. (71,060)
7) "PAIN Downtown", based on the 2007 PS3 game from Idol Minds (now Deck Nine), is fitting to the rules of pinball. It's just a generic table where you score points by hitting bumpers and reaching ramps, much like its source game. There's nothing really wrong with it, but when compared to some of the other cool tables, it's lacking. (353,750)
8) "Uncharted", based on 2007's Drake's Fortune from Naughty Dog, is the weakest in the lineup, unfortunately. Even with the rules given to you, the table itself doesn't make too much sense. No explanation to what's going on, just a map on the board and only two ramps and a few bumpers. Even the music itself is atmospheric, which I personally don't think is all that great. Bummer. (146,530)