Lego 2K Drive, effectivley scratches the itch left by the Lego Forz Horizon 4 DLC. While not being one cohesive open world, the games hub areas are large enough to make effective race courses. Its a solid racer, I had no desire to get involved in its pass or its garage systems though. I just selected cars and raced, and for that its quite fun.

Forgive me, I'm playing this for achievement quests.

Hmmmm,,, ehhhh.

I for some reason really wanted to play this for a while, its been on my wishlist for what feels like years. Game Pass came to the rescue when it was recently put on there, and I have to say, its one of the increasingly common times where Game Pass has saved me money.

Evil West is certainly a call back to the AA game, and the 360 era in general. I feel if I had played this back then I'd have loved it, as for now, Evil West is a pretty standard action game that at times does a good job at making you feel powerful against hordes of Vampires, but a boring story and repetitive gameplay make this one outstay its welcome.

I kind of cant get over the very very sloppy presentation, my short playtime was riddled with graphical and gameplay bugs. It feels like a worse Overcooked.

I have been a Naughty Dog since '96. Pretty much. I never owned Crash Bandicoot back then (I was 2) but I remember the aesthetic and how the game felt. A true sense of adventure, a feeling that was replicated in the Jak games for me and of course Uncharted. I was dipping in and out of games when The Last of Us eventually released, favouring other hobbies at the time. All this time I avoided spoilers, and I thought with the second instalment coming out and everyone getting their panties in a twist I thought what better time to take on the original.

The Last of Us is a kind of survival, action, adventure game with some light horror elements. The main plot has zombies, wait no 'infected' and theres a few tiny jumpscares with some gorier and scary themes thrown in. Nothing that will keep you up at night though. The gameplay is 'cinematic' which means it's rifled with long animations and sections where you have to move ladders around. The gunplay though is excellent. Each shot feels weighty, thanks to the also excellent sound design. Rounds crack through the eerie silence, it's really effective and makes each shot feel like it counts.

The Last of Us' priority is it's story which I have to say isnt that original. If you've read/seen/played The Walking Dead all the familiar tropes are here. Maybe back in 2013 this had a bit more going for it. But the story they do tell here, is engaging enough. The real crown jewel is these characters though, Joel and Ellie are some of the best written characters I've seen in a video game. Both complex, morally grey and all the twists and turns are to do with them and how they react to situations. It's good stuff.

I prefer my games to be games mostly, The Last of Us is a great cinematic experience though and one I highly recommend you check out.

Played this tonight with some friends. It’s a physics based delivery game where you make deliveries around an open map with the funky control scheme. Moving arms individually and all that, think Gang Beasts with vehicles. It managed to entertain 3 lads for about 3 hours but I feel like I’ve seen everything it offers so I probably won’t go back to it

With a lot of free time I decided to replay one of my childhood favourites and mainstay in my favourite games of all time list - Sly 2 : Band of Thieves. It’s been a few years since I played it so I didn’t know how I would feel about it today. Well, I still really like it.

Sly 2 decides to build upon the originals foundations in every single way, open world levels, multiple playable characters and bigger, more elaborate jobs really make Sly 2 feel like a proper sequel. Slys moveset hasn’t changed drastically from the original, and other than a new slower walk and a run button he controls about the same, if fine tuned. The game introduces Bentley and Murray as full on playable characters this time round, Bentley is the demolitions expert so he has a lot of gadgets and explosives to use and Murray is the brawn, so a lot of fun, satisfying brawling aplenty with him! I think both characters are a great way to add variety and feel purposeful and more than just gimmicks. You feel more like a team in this one than ever before.

The game also nails tone and plot, it’s a really clever continuation that brings back the big bad of the original in a fun new way, with genuine twists and turns along the way. I’ve played the game many many times but the plot is still exciting to me, and feels dark at points. It’s a kids game sure, but it takes it self seriously which I really really like. It’s also quite a lengthy game with the most levels in the trilogy, I know the game inside and out and it still took me a bit to 100% complete it.

Now, as the game ages some of the cracks start to show, a lot of the world hubs aren’t as big as they seemed as a kid and some of the missions are a little repetitive but overall Sly 2 is a fantastic game and a brilliant sequel. I implore platformer fans check it out.