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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 25, 2023

Platforms Played


It's fine. The actual gameplay is a mediocre change to a game that already has just, like, OK shooting; almost every enemy just rushes you down but dies to one head shot, so most of the shooting is just backing away while cycling through different guns so you don't run out of ammo. It's playable but the DLC is long enough that it starts to wear out its welcome.

However, it gets a lot of charm points by simple virtue of building off the main game, with missions that riff on main-game missions and giving the end of the world a certain texture by having it be an open world you already know from the main game. It's honestly pretty funny; the writers evidently identified that West Dickens is the only one of the New Austin goobers from the main game that's actually funny, and accordingly gave him a ton of well-deserved screen time. The soundtrack is also excellent.