If there was ever a game where Steam recommendations needed a 'meh, it depends' button, this is it. IF YOU LIKE GAMES THAT SUCK STEP RIGHT IN. Vampire Survivors is extremely basic and mediocre to play. and neither visually nor sonically all that stimulating. The visuals quickly become drab and uninspired, and the music quickly becomes repetitive. The game does get somewhat fun once you're ten or so minutes in your run and have a bunch of weapons and power-ups, but the baseline dopamine hit hardly feels worth the time invested. It feels like a game to play in the background while talking to someone, or listening to your own music of choice, because it doesn't justify the player's full attention.

A lot of player reviews talk about the addictive potential of this game, and for good reason. Just 15 minutes in, I started harbouring a suspicion the developer had a background in the gambling industry, which... of course he does. The game shamelessly ticks off all the boxes of 'ka-ching!' psychology casinos use to get you to play. The thing is, if you're onto it, it's much harder to be deceived. I found picking up treasure chests the most annoying part of the game, as they bring your gameplay groove to a halt to force you to watch an overlong slot machine animation. Quite frankly, I don't give that much of a fuck what power-ups I get, just let me keep playing.

Vampire Survivors is cheap, but not very fulfilling. I don't see myself playing it in a focused way beyond what I've already done. Players looking for a substantial game should avoid it. But a game that's carelessly bought and carelessly played, it can bring some enjoyment.

Reviewed on Sep 02, 2023


9 months ago

This just reminds me that I downloaded Holocure and have yet to even open it once because I'm too preoccupied playing more fulfilling games. I hope my game selection stays that way.

9 months ago

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9 months ago

@hooblashooga Lucky. Yeah, I generally don't play games of this kind cuz they are nothing but time-wasters, I'm too old, I only want 'fulfilling' games as well. It's unfortunate I can't get a refund on this game, but serves me right, lesson for the future.