Fuck this game was awesome. You started off as just some dude and build your way up to becoming a goddamn legend. From the start I was invested in how they did the story, the special stats, skills, perks, etc. It was just so satisfying. Helping people felt good. Killing people felt good. It was all so awesome. The DLC were eh if im being honest, but the main story was awesome. So many choices, so much to do, huge map. The joy on my face when I got the power armor from the brotherhood, goddamn was it amazing. You feel like an unstoppable badass, but you don't always feel like it, you have to build up that feeling throughout the story and it peaks at the end. There are so many choices in this game and im afraid if I play any other Fallout, it won't be the same. The only bad things about this game is that the graphics don't hold up, which I could care less about, but the main thing stopping it from becoming a perfect 10/10 score is that you need mods for this thing to be fun. I needed a mod to enable running, a basic function in all games, I needed multiple plugins just to stop crashing, and so many other bugs. I also felt like the game wasn't much of a challenge, and they should have had more bosses like the giant robo scorpion. Otherwise this was one of the most fun games I've ever played.

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2023
