Alright. There's a lot to say about Titanfall 2. However, I don't have to say anything because im sure everyone knows it is the greatest FPS ever created. I first played this game on PS4 when my friend for some reason didn't see the appeal of the game so he gave it to be, but later I bought it on PC because I loved it so much.

Everything about this game is superb. The only thing I didn't like too much was the singleplayer, dont get me wrong I loved it and deserves the 5/5, but it kinda felt like a generic COD campaign. What I can give the singleplayer is that its level design is insane. Best level design in any FPS.

The story was pretty generic but still loved the connection between Jack Cooper and BT. But overall the singleplayer just didn't feel as good as the multiplayer.

Now onto the multiplayer. ITS AMAZING. Its a shame the game has slowly died off, but I still recommend anyone thinking of getting it to buy the game. You will just have to wait a bit for a lobby. But from the start of the match it is amazing, having the pilots drop down from a ship of their chosen faction with funny and quirky lines. The movement is amazing and the graphics hold up even today. You would be baffled to hear that this was made on a modified version of the source engine, trust me I was baffled too.

Going back to the movement, the movement is so goddamn amazing, there is a reason why this is called the king of movement FPS games and FPS games in general. The wallrunning, sliding, grappling, speed, there are just so many ways to move in this game, not including things like bhopping and strafe hopping. Even the grenades can help you move faster.

The gunplay is extremely fun and not hard at all even with people moving around everywhere. The Titan gameplay is so extremely fun, contrary to what many might say. Unlike the first game you cannot customize your Titan, but each Titan is its own class. From a sniper titan, to a minigun titan, to a BADASS SWORD TITAN, you WILL find one that is perfect for you. The best part about this game is that even if you don't have a Titan its not like you will get completely demolished by them. The titans arent overpowered, and a single pilot can take one down. I wanna start ranting about this game and how amazing it is, but im too lazy so I'll end the review here. All I'll say is if you are thinking about buying Titanfall 2: DO IT.

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2022
