4 reviews liked by Spiritssss

Very nice game overall although the sequel makes it feel like a tech demo.
The story is okay and not really intrusive which works well for this type of game I believe.
The Gunvolt franchise is pretty damn cool.

Clearly the best entry in the series.
Feels way more polished than any other game.
Copen is the best addition they could have made and is just so freaking fun to play as.
Gameplay feels more refined and very satisfying to master.
Bosses are cool. Soundtrack goes hard.
The story really works well not being in your face all the time but really making you feel the good scenes if you're interested.
Truly a banger of a game.

This game just makes me angry.
A full spinoff game based on what was easily the best part of GV2 was such a good idea but the result is just not it and probably the most unpolished game in the franchise (I didn't play IX2 don't force me).
Copen's gameplay is still fun to its core but some new powers just don't feel as good as the ones in GV2 (especially Anchor Nexus which is the one you're supposed to be using almost all the time and which straight up trades what made Copen's gameplay fun in the first place for an auto target system that only requires you to press a single button).
The medals/loot/craft system which rewarded you for knowing the levels and completing them as efficiently as possible has been replaced by a simple shop which encourages you to just stop in your track to pick up coins like a dumbass (I am so fucking mad) and it's not just this, some enemies seem designed to stop your momentum and make you wait before destroying them (which should be illegal in a game like this), I don't know maybe it's because the levels are shorter too.
The writing which used to be at least alright got pretty boring this time around except for the very end.
The game also randomly sexualizes the little girl for no reason and I do not like this at all.
The UI (yes I'm ranting about the UI) isn't pixel art like the rest of the game anymore making it look very visually incoherent which wouldn't bother that much if it wasn't so bland.
Seriously even the damn title screen, the very first thing you are going to see after buying the game, is a comical case of empty "I'm not paid enough for this !" white screen of shame.

I'm nitpicking a lot, the core gameplay is still pretty solid,
it's not that bad but for me it lacks so many things that made GV2 a great video game, and it certainly pisses me off.

One of the greatest games ever created. While the story may be a bit non-linear, it's still able to tell an amazing story that has you hooked the entire way through. Such an amazing cast of characters that will either make you hate, fear, love or worry about them. Each faction is so unique and the gameplay is some of the best in the entire series (let alone strategy games in general). This game is infinitely re-playable, having many routes you can experience after completing the main story. Sengoku Rance was truly the turning point for Rance's character arc. I love seeing his more vulnerable side, and the events that happen in this game set him on a path that I never expected from him. When the credits rolled, I was in tears from how good this game was. Truly an amazing experience.