Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 10, 2023

First played

July 7, 2023

Platforms Played


Decent shooter with tactical elements and a strong narrative that pretty much carries the whole game.

Commanding your squad and using suppression to flank enemies is a nice change of pace compared to what other shooters did at the time. Unfortunately, the game gets extremely frustrating towards the end, since enemies will pre-fire you around corners and wipe your teammates even while being fully suppressed. It doesn't help that your squad AI often gets lost and might be taking cover on the wrong side or just standing out in the open.

As mentioned previously, the story is definitely the most enjoyable part of the game. Though I wish they would've expanded on this aspect a bit more. I think the game could've benefitted from some downtime in-between combat scenarios where your squad could banter, since now you're moving from one shooting gallery to the next.

It's worth playing, though I'd recommend to lower the difficulty on later chapters to make it more fair.