kinda slop but it does have a charm to it and can genuinely be pretty fun at times

clash of clans but a bit better

i feel like if i booted this up again and started playing with some of the Castle Crashers OST like i used to a good 10 years ago, it would probably heal something within me

this was fun but among other things i really felt like the story was lacking, like it was constantly building up to something (the Something in question being A Crack In time and thank god for that!)

the OG and one of the first games i ever played, R&C is still a triumph to this day

takes the original gold standard R&C formula and simply makes it BETTER. although i feel the story is weaker than its predecessor (and fuck that thugs-4-less big mech. i don't know who greenlit that turret simulator, but i want words for disappointing my younger self)

Up Your Arsenal simply takes the cake for me in terms of R&C, through once again pushing the weapons, upgrades and possibilities to new heights, and correcting the mistake of Going Commando through a rivetting story via the introduction of the one and only Dr Nefarious, who easily makes the video game villain top 100 list

10/10 would be irl friends with lawrence

not that Tools of Destruction was bad, but this is where the future saga REALLY kicks in, and takes everything lacking in the predecessor and pumps it up. fantastic stuff

absolute fun JANK. 10/10 would rewatch the TGS Blood Bowl Final Wowcrendor vs TotalBiscuit

we thank you Newgrounds for your service o7

society moved past the need for League of Legends a good decade ago now, yet here we still are


its hard for me to judge honestly since at the time i played during beta and for about a year after release, it was and remains my favourite MOBA experience. that isn't really saying much given the competition

it's alright. i will never pick it up again thankfully

certified just-above-mid fallout game, nowhere near as bad as some make it out to be but nowhere near as good as it should've been