i liked it! shoutout the weapon mod system and cool soundtrack

i have no clue why i only played the multiplayer when i literally bought the collector’s edition. it WAS really fun though

aside from some raid related issues including the 10/25 man state at the start of the xpac and the overall execution and design of Dragon Soul (heroic dungeons were fine pre-nerf i will die on that hill), this still kinda slapped and gave the world a much needed revamp, some great new zones, flying, and patch 4.1/4.2 which undoubtedly saved it in terms of raiding and progression

i burnt out hard after cata, but i still loved this, the zones were great and the dungeons and raids were solid too (ToT my beloved)

the first slop expansion, the overall story was ehhhh and the minimal amount of patches post release left so much to be desired

shoutout blackrock foundry i guess!

the We Are So Fucking Back of expansions

given its development, it makes sense this turned out more like ratchet & clank 1.5, which is great because it matches the stars i'm giving it

homeworld mobile, despite rocky beginnings and development, was more how mobile games should be: ambitious, with a strong communication presence with it's community, and a genuine respect for the players and the franchise even amongst a myriad of criticisms

i only wish it could've lived longer and the story could've been completed. RIP in advance

kinda slop but it does have a charm to it and can genuinely be pretty fun at times

clash of clans but a bit better

not that Tools of Destruction was bad, but this is where the future saga REALLY kicks in, and takes everything lacking in the predecessor and pumps it up. fantastic stuff

this was fun but among other things i really felt like the story was lacking, like it was constantly building up to something (the Something in question being A Crack In time and thank god for that!)

the OG and one of the first games i ever played, R&C is still a triumph to this day

takes the original gold standard R&C formula and simply makes it BETTER. although i feel the story is weaker than its predecessor (and fuck that thugs-4-less big mech. i don't know who greenlit that turret simulator, but i want words for disappointing my younger self)