One of the first games I have ever played and what an absolute gem. All the locations are extremely memorable and filled with such unique monsters and friends. The characters seem basic but the more I replay the game their depth increases to the point where I feel foolish for thinking they're so cut and dry. Characters have motivations, dreams, fears, have experienced great joys and terrible losses. Everyone wants to leave the area but leaving mean very different things for each character. The gameplay is floaty yet doesn't demand precision as weapons are designed around a looser control system. When the game does give you weapons that are more precise it is at a time where movement has advanced to match its demanded precision. All the bosses are challenging but never feel impossible; it feels like fighting against something way more powerful than you. The goliath bosses are extremely satisfying to overcome because of their size and difficulty. Masterpiece of a video game, play it if you haven't and, if you have, play it again.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2024
