I really loved the campaign of this game, and surprisingly an open world works for halo. Taking a bunch of Marines from your bases and riding into a covenant base you found to take it is super badass, as is navigating the terrain with your grappling hook. However, due to the nature of the world being open, objectives are less tightly designed than previous halo games. Still fun though.

The story is funny though, and not in a good way. Remember how in rise of Skywalker they spent like the first 20 minutes begging the audience to forget that the last Jedi ever happened. Imagine that but in videogame form and it's about halo 5. Also introducing random aliens that are a bigger threat than the flood this late into the story just feels lazy. The fun gameplay helps prop up this story though so I don't mind too much.

I'm not going to touch on the mp since I never played it.

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2022
