Gameplay is mostly fun enough, and the story ends up being pretty compelling for a while too (I'm a sucker for time travel), unfortunately Remedy doubled down on all the frustrating aspects of Alan Wake, constantly halting the action for slow walking sections, pages of lore dumps they are clearly begging you to read (though you often have a companion urging you to hurry along), when these come in audio format, the sound fades if you take 5 steps away, forcing you to just stand there awkwardly if you want to listen. I hope they've learned how to integrate story and gameplay for Control.

Why does Remedy have such a hard on for making their games TV shows? Judging by the 4 episodes interrupting the game, they aren't any good at it.

So much foreshadowing for stuff that never arrives before the anticlimactic ending, had to save the interesting stuff for a sequel or DLC that probably won't ever happen.

Reviewed on Sep 09, 2022
