3 reviews liked by SrDenis

Lol this game...
Truly a flash of brilliance and inspiration. You can't help but love it.

Extremely good game, but with a lot problems.
The world design is amazing, but with the sub-areas are... Good i guess. Some are actually pretty fun but i do think that is near as good as the levels in more linear Mario Games (Galaxys, 3D World). I woud love to see BIGGER sub-areas that would explore the mechanics and gimmicks in a deeper way like the intire levels normally do.
The explorarions moons are pretty cool but sometimes they are pretty boring, some are just "groundpound here", some are repeated formula in every kingdom (Peach, Taxis, Pictures, Shop) and can get repetitive quickly, and some are just there, floating in a not-so-hard-to-find spot. It is clear that Nintendo wanted to have 800 unique moons in the game for marketing purpouses, but this just makes getting a moon after difficult challenges less rewarding, while also making getting all of them a chore. Nintendo knew this so they only require 500 moons to unlock everything, but this raises another interesting problem: if you don't go get them all, you will probably just get the worst ones, that are easy to get and normally in your way, and them not experience the better moons, hidden in interesting locations, sub-areas and challenges.

In the end, the movement still amazing, the worlds still wonderfull, and even with the problems, collecting stuff is so much fun, but this formula still have much untouched potential

Case 1: Good introduction, teachs you the basic mechanics and get yourself in the feeling of the game.

Case 2: Big improvement of case 1, the victim make you really care about the defendant. The game tells you that prosecutor will do anything for a guilty veredict and Edgeworth can be a little intimidating in this case.

Case 3: Probably one of the cases i least like in the intire franchise. The game don't do much for you to care about your client, the prosecution is Edgeworth again, but he isn't intimidating since you already beat him one time. The final trial is really good and help the charachter development of Edgy, and is cool that this is the first time you don't know who is the true culprit from the beggining, a nice challenge improvement.

--Spoiler Allert--

Case 4: One of the best cases in the franchise. After the last two trials, defend Edgeworth is really cool, the feeling when you see him with the gun in hands is one of the best beggining of any case in A.A. Von Karma is a legendary prosecutor and it shows, he uses A LOT of Objections and you don't find a single contradiction in the first day of trial, and almost can't prolong the trial. This is one of the most unsolving situations in any Phoenix Wright too, Edgy is the only one with the victim in a boat floating in a desert lake, the witness have photos in the very moment of shooting, etc.
The endging is incredible, you having to defense Edgeworth from the things even he believe to be truth is awesome and a finishs with a great finale for Manfred Von Karma.

Case 5: Another legendary case, the biggest one in the franchise, and one of the most complex. But every plot twist is really motivating. Very fun characters are introduced and some different mechanics that will only comeback in Apollo Justice. I really like some of them and Ema is a very good companion character. She also makes you really want to defend Lana, who for itself almost don't show up.
Trying to acuse Chief Gant is incredible, a chief of police being arrested for his crime isn't something you can see every day, and some meme moments like the Blue Badger can be really funny.