3 reviews liked by Sronaa

This is going to be a complete review, door by door, don't expect something extensive, or an analysis, simply how this has impacted me and my opinion about it, basically a review.

(1.) First door:
The Door is an incredible intro, a pretty underrated intro for what it is. Let's start with the introduction of the work, a servant who leads us through doors, some small stories.
This first story is short, with a perfect rhythm and a way of telling the story in a brilliant and exciting way. Something that seems corny but tragedy and corruption are present. Good characters and, It's not boring and it's dynamic. And the ending with a wonderful plot twist, once you see this first door, you definitely want to continue reading this.

(2.) Second door:
A second door that is totally different from the first, A protagonist something that is quite confusing. The girl with white hair again, we still don't understand anything about her and why she is so good, as does the maid and the mystery of her. This door is the worst without a doubt, sometimes it gets boring and the rhythm is very heavy and uninteresting, the only thing to praise about this Door is its dehumanization and predictable plot twist.

(3.) Third door:
The third door is the best of the previous two. A slower and longer door than the previous two. But with a better executed and much more precise story, with more complex and tough themes. With a much harder plot, delving into human emotions and politics, an indecisive and cruel love.

(4.) Fourth door:
Another door better than the previous ones. We finally get to see our protagonist, a wonderful introduction by Michel, through a somewhat invented story with fictional touches in a story that is not so fictional. It is a totally perfect story, where we are introduced to our protagonist and deuteragonist perfectly, and we see how their relationship grows little by little, even with the supernatural sphere in the middle, in Michel, something bittersweet with a wonderful ending.

(5.) Fifth door:
And here we go, the best door of the 5 by far. A door that has impacted me quite a bit, in a real way. A story without patches, a real story without supernatural imaginations, a story of accepting your being and remembering yourself. A story that seems to be the same as the fourth door, but totally different, but much more charming. Michel and Giselle's dynamic in this door is wonderful. Something totally comfortable. Amid tragedies and fears, both bring their tragedies together and love encompasses both. Something that has impacted me a lot, especially the love that Michel has and his ideology.

(6.) Sixth door:
I don't remember this door much, it's a little worse than the fifth, but a good Door, where you delve into Giselle and her story inside the mansion, whose mansion I waited 700 years to see Michel again. We can see how Giselle makes a hunch and dehumanizes herself for her own good to wait for Michel, we also see Morgana and how she tries to manipulate, but she is also her only companion. A good door, quite short, very good explanations of everything, incredible execution, and amazing symbolism.

(7.) Seventh door:
And well, here we come where everything breaks and becomes even more of a masterpiece. We delve deeper into Michell's deep backstory. But I don't want to explain anything, I simply want to say that this door is incredible, the conflicts are wonderful and Michell's backstory is totally confusing and destructive, a majestic plot with a wonderful ending and well, I'm going to talk now about the eighth door

(8.) Eighth door:
Eighth door and I will also talk in general about the work. definitely the best door by far, a fairly long door, but incredibly good, the best thing about it is that since it is long, it is not bad, it does not have any plot holes and the consistency is perfect, it is not boring and it is dynamic, its The execution is wonderful, each character is incredible and we gradually delve deeper into all the characters, their conflicts and why their souls have done what they have done. I loved Michel at this door, here we are shown the real Michel, Michel a totally humble, human, altruistic and self-sacrificing protagonist. A perfect human with eternal love, a human who prefers the happiness of others to his own, a human who despite the adversities, conflicts and corruption around him, does not become corrupted, does not become evil, a hero , a human and totally pure hero, always optimistic above all, a born savior, with parallels with Jesus like Morgana, it must be said that this work has many religious, biblical and philosophical things. A masterpiece. Morgana is a wonderful antagonist, who does not allow herself to be convinced very easily, the hatred she has makes us all convince that this is not going to disappear and she has many reasons, and yet, Michel, is perfect, and solves everything to that even Morgana can free the souls of those she has condemned. And well, Michel, I think he has given me many life lessons, and very profound ones that have had a great impact on me. The ending of the game, I was almost crying for 20 minutes while everything progressed, something totally destructive and I am not a big fan of happy endings, but Fata Morgana makes this happy ending totally perfect, a beauty of art, a perfect visual novel and one of my favorite games so far.
A work that has captured my feelings, such as happiness, anguish, fear and sadness. A story that has exceeded my expectations. A story that everyone should experience.
And Giselle is an amazing and charming character, imagine having a girlfriend like Giselle, who is able to wait hundreds of years without thinking about other people for you


Top 10 characters:

1. Michel Bollinger (top 5-6 characters in video games)
2. Giselle
3. Morgana
4. Jacopo Bearzatti
5. The White-Haired Girl
6. Yukimasa Aida
7. Mel Rhodes
8. Didier Bollinger
9. Maria Campanella
10. Nellie Rhodes

Door Ranking:

1. Door 8
2. Door 7
3.Door 5
4.Door 6
5. Door 4
6. Door 3
7.Door 1
8. Door 2

Top #7-6 videogame oat

death to all who oppose me - shadow not hitler