Persona 3 is the single worst piece of trash of a game i have ever played
it is literally the epitome of all thats uninteresting, trash in nature, and lacking in blessings
the dungeons are unoriginal, generic, and never a refreshing new start every single step
the enemies and bosses topple an unfair and inconsistent challenge that always keeps me on my cock and always keeps me brain dead wishing to die till my next move
and the cast of shallow and worthless characters just leaves me wanting less, and the game only kept delivering

Persona 3 has such an unoriginal and painfully simple story that just cannot be replicated in any meaningful way, it left 0 impact, it was light as in my body after i killed myself from boredom while playing, it had no love and it shows
nothing i've played in my life has come nearly as close to the magnitude of shit that persona 3 did, and i highly doubt anything in the future will be able to top the absolutely magnificently bad piece of shit that this game was, and it will always live within my heart as the worst thing to have ever been conceived in the history of this planet

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2021


stitchy based as always tho should be half a star
you changed it based af

2 years ago

Banger Tweet Oomfie
so true bestie