It's hard to put into words just how incredible Rebirth is. I completed all side quests and zone objectives, and while I didn't 100% everything the game has to offer this is far more than I usually do with most games.

The original is one of my favorite games of all time and Square Enix managed to expand the world and characters enriching the entire experience. I spent nearly 90 hours and would happily play another 90.

The combat is super fun and lets you really dig into the systems as you push on. Exploration was incredible, seeing areas that were only a screen or two with a few NPCs, now bustling with people making them feel alive like never before. The writing, storytelling, visuals are all top tier and set such an incredibly high bar moving forward. It really is hard to fathom how they pulled this all off.

Some minigames weren't the best (keeping the tradition alive from the OG), but these were almost entirely optional and if not there's an option to make them easier. However the minor complaints are a drop in the bucket compared to how amazing the entire experience was.

Now we start the countdown to part 3, the Reunion!

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
