Pikmin 4 2023

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1 day

Last played

August 18, 2023

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This review contains spoilers

Often when we have these decades long waits for the things we care about we kind of end up deluding ourselves as to what kind of experience is going to be awaiting us.

I speak from experience. Pikmin 3 was the first time I had experienced that.

While I love Pikmin 3, and in hindsight I appreciate it more now, it had a lot riding on it that it simply was just never going to live up to. After that we had a long silence in terms of Pikmin news and games. It was agonizing. Truly, genuinely, agonizing. I have never been in such pain waiting for something in my life. So when I tell you that those long arduous 10 years I spent waiting for Pikmin 4 were by some miracle actually worth it…

god damn you best believe it.

This game absolutely stunned me. I cannot believe what I have just spent the past month playing. This game is every stupid fanfic tier idea the Pikmin community had circa 2009 and shoved all into one glorious unforgiving package that is willing to give the fans everything they have ever dreamed of. This kind of a game is a miracle the likes of which are not usually seen these days. Pikmin releases are always a homerun but with Pikmin 4, Nintendo swung the bat, hit the ball, and sent the ball flying so hard it cracked open the damn ozone layer. It’s unbelievable what this game has to offer. 6 fantastically fresh and unique areas that are all massive, return of the Piklopedia and the Treasure Horde, 2 new types for a combined 9 ALL WITH ONIONS, a brand new companion character that surprisingly helps improve gameplay, and an emphasis on strategy that elevates this game’s feel far and above the rest of the series. This game has it all. Not to mention it has an entire side mode where you basically get to play Pikmin 1 but with your time limit cut in half and in remixed areas from Pikmin 4? This game has so many ideas and modes and content it is literally struggling to contain it all in one game.

I can’t even begin to describe to you the sheer look of stupid glee on my face seeing all the callbacks to Pikmin 2. There’s a lot of love for Pikmin 1 and 3 here but Nintendo finally showed some love to the real crown jewel of the series and they went above and beyond. I refuse to spoil it for any Pikmin fans here but just know that if you have any favor with Pikmin 2, this game is gonna floor you.

I don’t have the words, man. A game like this does not happen very often. A game that does not falter in its identity and instead reinvents itself to appease old fans while welcoming new ones with arms wide open. Pikmin 4 through and through is the next evolution of Pikmin. This is the game we didn’t just wait 10 years for, but 20 years for. This is the game we deserved and I still do not believe it’s even real. There is a god and this game is all the proof I need because the only explanation for this game’s existence is some damn divine intervention.