There was a two and a half year stretch when I would have told you that melee was my favorite game of all time. It seriously consumed my entire life, from practicing to competing to enjoying it as a spectator and even watching the podcast of my favorite commentators. I wrote my college essays on melee. I viewed my favorite players as idols, and my least favorites as the devil. Some of my favorite memories in high school are tied to melee. I don't even remember much of my junior year, which should have been the most stressful, because melee was such a big part of my life. I loved the scene so much that when I saw it changing in a direction i didn't like I couldn't bring myself to continue following it. I know I was being a baby, but it genuinely broke my heart to see leffen hbox armada be the best players in the world. I damn near quit melee cold turkey, and now I'm so far removed from the scene that I can't even re-enter it.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2024
